Видео интервью: Carers Leeds | Третий сектор

На недавних наградах третьего сектора специалист-страховщик Маркель имел возможность поговорить с благотворительными организациями о рисках, с которыми они сталкиваются, и о том, как они их управляют.

Carers Leeds – благотворительная организация, предоставляющая поддержку, консультации и информацию неоплачиваемым опекунам в возрасте 16 лет и старше. Вал Хьюисон, генеральный директор Carers Leeds, рассказал нам об их обязательствах по защите.

. Работа с и по поручению семейных опекунов в Лидсе означает, что благотворительности доверяют сложные и очень эмоциональные проблемы. Защита и обеспечение того, чтобы они поднимали вопросы, которые могут вызывать озабоченность, – это ответственность каждого. Чтобы справиться с этим риском, благотворительность имеет надежную политику и процедуры с открытой средой, которая начинается с набора персонала и продолжает постоянное отражение и обучение персонала.

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Young Carers in Herefordshire supported with £53,000 grant

Posted: 17th July 2017

Herefordshire Carers Support, which provides support and advice to children and young carers, has been awarded a grant of £53,692.

There are more than four thousand young carers within Herefordshire, looking after sick and disabled family members. They are often responsible for cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene and emotional support of one or more people. It can be a confusing and lonely role for a child or young person and can lead to social isolation and damage academic performance, which can have life-long consequences.

Herefordshire Young Carers is a dedicated team within Herefordshire Carers Support who help children and young people who look after someone in their family who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or has a problem with drugs or alcohol. This grant will fund the role of a support worker who will work with schools, families and young carers themselves.

Susan Brace, Young Carers Community Development Worker said:

We’re very grateful to Herefordshire Freemason for their generous grant. There are around 360 registered Young Carers in Herefordshire but the true number is likely to be much higher. We want these children to be able to live a full life, like their friends, which means they won’t be missing out on their childhoods or education – getting the help and support they desperately need.

Rev’d David Bowen, the Provincial Grand Master of Herefordshire Freemasons, visited the charity to find out more about the impact of their work.

We are very pleased to be able to help Herefordshire Carers Support. The work they do is hugely important and can make an enormous difference to the lives of these vulnerable children.

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Norfolk Carers Support receives £10,000 to help Young Carers

Posted: 29th June 2017

Norfolk Carers Support has been awarded a £10,000 grant by the Masonic Charitable Foundation to help up to 100 young carers in Norfolk.

There are an estimated 10,000 Young Carers in Norfolk alone. These children have a range of caring responsibilities ranging from cooking, cleaning, emotional support, personal hygiene and medical or nursing care for a family member.

It can be a very lonely and confusing role for a child, and is often hidden as children do not wish to be seen as being different from their peers, or do not even recognize themselves as Young Carers. Young Carers miss many of the opportunities of a normal childhood and often struggle academically, which will inevitably impact on their future as adults.

This grant will allow the Norfolk Carers Support charity to continue with their Young Carers Project. This gives Young Carers regular free time away from their caring role and the chance to meet other young people in similar situations. As well as having fun, it is an opportunity to receive emotional support and a range of practical advice and assistance from specialist staff.

There are two age-related groups, aged 6-12 and 12-16, which meet for two hours every fortnight together with nine activity day trips and two residential trips every year.

Catherine Bibb from Norfolk Carers Support said:

 We are very grateful for this generous grant from Norfolk Freemasons. The grant will allow our Young Carers Project to continue making a positive impact on the lives of Young Carers in Norfolk, supporting them to develop healthy coping strategies, achieve their goals and reducing inappropriate or excessive caring.

Jack Jones from Norfolk Freemasons said:

“We are very pleased to be able to help Norfolk Carers Support. The work they do is hugely important and can make an enormous difference to the lives of these vulnerable children.”



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