Regulator probes Christian charity for accounts failures

Kingdom Life Ministries of north London failed to submit its accounts on time for three consecutive years

The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into a London-based Christian charity after it failed to submit its accounts on time for three consecutive years.

Kingdom Life Ministries, which is based in Tottenham, north London, and promotes Christianity, has been accused by the commission of showing evidence of mismanagement and of non-compliance with the regulator.

The charity was included in a class inquiry last year after failing to submit its accounts for the financial years ending 31 May 2014 and 2015.

KLM was later removed from the class inquiry, which included a group of charities that had repeatedly failed to file accounts on time, after it submitted the outstanding accounts in April this year.

But the charity filed its 2016 accounts 74 days late, the Charity Commission website shows, which prompted the new statutory inquiry.

The commission said that because the charity had been given regulatory advice and guidance, “it is of serious regulatory concern to the commission that the charity has continued to default on its statutory duties”.

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According to the Charity Commission website, the charity had an income of £870,411 and spent £860,563 in the year to 31 May 2016.

The website shows that the charity has filed each of the past five sets of accounts late, ranging from 15 days overdue to 489 days behind schedule.

The inquiry will examine the extent to which the trustees have complied with previous guidance and whether they are carrying out their legal obligations properly.

The charity did not respond to a request for comment before Third Sector’s deadline.

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BasicNeeds merged into Christian disability charity

The international mental health charity will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of CBM UK on 20 July

The international mental health charity BasicNeeds has been merged into the Christian disability charity CBM UK, the charities have announced.

BasicNeeds became a wholly-owned subsidiary of CBM UK on 20 July after encountering difficulties raising funding for its mental health programmes, a spokeswoman for the two charities said.

She said BasicNeeds, which has an income of £1.6m a year, approached CBM UK several months ago and proposed the merger to prevent the closure of its mental health programmes, which run in 14 countries.

Five members of BasicNeeds’ UK-based staff have joined the CBM UK team, but three roles – two part-time and one full-time – have been lost as a result of the merger. A further IT role in Sri Lanka has gone as a result of the merger and as part of savings to the IT and finance operations at the newly merged charity, the spokeswoman said.

She said no jobs would be lost in BasicNeeds’ mental health programmes abroad and there would be no reductions in funding for those programmes.

CBM UK employs 29 staff and has an income of £6m a year. Both charities will remain registered with the Charity Commission, but the trustees of CBM UK will take over BasicNeeds’ governance, the spokeswoman said.

Adrian Sell, chief executive of BasicNeeds, will continue to oversee the charity’s programmes and will join CBM UK’s leadership team, the spokeswoman said.

The two charities will be based at CBM UK’s headquarters in Cambridge. BasicNeeds was formerly based in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

Sell said: “BasicNeeds is excited by the potential of joining with CBM to greatly increase the positive impact we can have on people with mental health problems. Through working together we can combine our expertise and resources and become a leading global voice and source of expertise on mental health in development.”

Kirsty Smith, chief executive of CBM UK, said: “This exciting merger with BasicNeeds will help us to expand and develop our mental health work alongside our important programmes supporting people affected by blindness and other types of disability, to help meet this huge and neglected need.”

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Movers: Loretta Minghella покинет Christian Aid

Плюс: Софи Кастелл присоединится к RNIB, Эльвира Меучи-Лионн играет роль в Кампании по защите сельской Англии и Полли Кертис, чтобы перейти от Британского Красного Креста

Лоретта Мингелла, исполнительный директор Christian Aid, должна стать следующим Уполномоченным Первой Церкви. Комиссар, назначенный королевой по совету премьер-министра, возглавляет комитет по управлению комиссиями Церкви, который отвечает за инвестиционный портфель в размере 7,9 млрд. Фунтов стерлингов. Джастин Велби, архиепископ Кентерберийский, описал Мингхелла как «чрезвычайно квалифицированного и выдающегося лидера с исключительной репутацией службы».

Полли Кертис оставляет свою должность директора СМИ в Британском Красном Кресте, чтобы стать главным редактором в HuffPost UK. Кертис, бывший цифровой редактор Guardian, присоединился к Британскому Красному Кресту в январе этого года.

Благотворительный благотворительный фонд RNIB назначил Софи Кастелл новой роли директора отношений. Кастелл, ранее занимавший пост директора по маркетингу, коммуникациям и сбору средств в Canal & River Trust, вернулся в RNIB, ранее возглавлявший маркетинговые и брендовые команды организации в 2008 году.

Кампания по защите сельской Англии назначила Эльвира Меучи-Лионс директором по сбору средств. Meucci-Lyons, который ранее был директором по сбору средств в благотворительном благотворительном учреждении по борьбе с насилием в семье, возглавил агитационные и сборные команды для нескольких других крупных благотворительных организаций, в том числе Shelter and Dogs Trust.

Уиллоу, которая предоставляет особые дни для детей от 16 до 40 лет с опасными для жизни болезнями, назначила Джонатана Авеса исполнительным директором. Aves, который работал в благотворительном секторе в течение 16 лет, покидает Фонд сообщества Хартфордшир, где он был директором. Он также занимал руководящие должности по сбору средств в Королевском колледже хирургов и Музее естественной истории.

Элисон Макнамара присоединилась к Астме Великобритании в качестве директора людей и организационного развития. Ранее она была лидером по организационному развитию в жилищном объединении Viridian.

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