Video interviews: Alexandra Rose Charity

At the recent Third Sector Awards, specialist insurer Markel had the opportunity to speak to charities about the risks they face and how they manage them.

The Alexandra Rose Charity  provides ‘Rose Vouchers’ for fruit and veg to support pregnant women and families living on low incomes to eat more healthily and improve their wellbeing.

Jonathan Pauling, CEO of the Alexandra Rose Charity, discusses how the charity will continue to develop around increasing data protection regulation.

With the upcoming GDPR regulations, all charities need to be aware of data issues and compliance. Smaller charities – such as Alexandra Rose Charity – must be comply with regulations to support the work they do and allow them to grow in effective ways. This may mean a steep learning curve to engage with new technology to make the charity more effective in the long term.

Click here to read more about the General Data Protection Regulation that will be implemented on the 25th of May 2018.

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Video interviews: Kuhlisa UK | Third Sector

At the recent Third Sector Awards, specialist insurer Markel had the opportunity to speak to charities about the risks they face and how they manage them.

Khulisa works with young people in schools, prisons and in the community to help them understand and tackle the root-cause of their challenging behaviour.

Dominique Airey, CEO of Khulisa UK, discussed safeguarding risks and their developing business model.

As with most charities working with vulnerable people, safeguarding is a huge concern. Khulisa staff and volunteers work in prisons and other volatile environments so safety for both staff and participants is a risk. A constant need to review procedures and have multiple of points of access for communication is vital to the workings of the charity.

This need to review also links to Khulisa’s look towards sustainability and the future of their business model, which may be a move towards a commission based landscape and away from fundraising.

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Video interviews: The Silver Line Helpline

At the recent Third Sector Awards, specialist insurer Markel had the opportunity to speak to charities about the risks they face and how they manage them.

The Silver Helpline is a charity that offers a confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people 24 hours a day, every day of the year. .

CEO, Sophie Andrews, spoke to us about the volunteer management and safeguarding risks when working with potentially vulnerable people.

The 3500 volunteers that support the older people all work remotely so making sure that the Silver Line provides a safe and confidential service is important. In order to do this they record all calls, ensure that they’re audited, volunteers are DBS checked and private numbers are never shared.

Click here for a guide to insuring volunteers with links to guidance from the NCVO.

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